CONTENTS coronation (1027) ; acquisition of the Burgundian king- dom ; recovery of German authority in Poland ; unsuc- cessful conflict with Hungary ; Bohemian revolt over- come ; alliance with Canute the Great ; Conrad's policy of linking Italy with Germany ; civil war between the capitanei and the valvassorcs ; Conrad's settlement in favour of the valvassores ; revolt of the archbishop of Milan ; Conrad in South Italy ; his death ; Henry III (1039—56) ; Bohemian revolt overcome ; Hungary recognises German overlordship ; Henry III and the duchies ; revolt of Godfrey of Upper Lorraine ; the prospect in 1046 ; the situation at Rome ; Henry comes to Rome ; the reform of the Papacy ; South Italy and its divisions ; the coming of the Normans ; the family of Tancred de Hautcville IV. FRANCE, 911-1050 93 Weakness of the monarchy in France ; the separntcncss of the South ; Aquitninc ; Gascony, Toulouse, Barcelona ; the northern half of the kingdom ; Brittany, Normandy, Flanders, Burgundy ; the imircli of Neustria ; Charles the Simple and .Lorraine ; Robert of Neuslria rival-king; the reign of Riioul of Burgundy ; condition of the king- dom ; improvement during Raoul's reign ; Hugh the Great of Neustria and king Louis IV ; the intervention of Otto I ; the reign of Lot liar ; his ambition in Lorraine ; the end of the Carolinian line in France ; accession of Hugh Capet (l)H7) ; the Cupeliun dynasty and hereditary succession; advantages of the Capetians over their Carolingiari predecessors ; causes of continued weakness of the monarchy ; alliance of Hugh Capet with Normandy ; conilict -with surviving Carolingians leads to quarrel with Papacy; Robert II (990-1031); con lliet with the Papacy over his marriage ; weakness of his government ; vin- dicates his claim to the duchy of lUirgundy ; relations with Germany ; Henry I (lOIU-GO) ; cedes Burgundy to his brother ; the growing power of Anjou ; alliance of Henry with Normandy against Anjou ; Henry's volte face ; its consequences V* THE REVIVAL, OF CHRISTIANITY 11O Kffccts on the Church of the political disasters of the ninth and tenth centuries ; the progress towards recovery ; advance of Christianity against paganism ; the expulsion of the Moslems from France and Italy ; the Caliphate of Cordova (929-1031) ; beginnings of the Uecomniest; the Christian kingdoms in Spain ; Church reform ; the monasteries ; Chmy in the tenth century ; Lorraine in the tenth century ; the Cluniac movement in the eleventh century ; the movement in Lorraine in the eleventh century ; its influence elsewhere ; reform of the secular clergy ; its direction not due to Chmy; hut to lay rulers and bishops ; simony; clerical marriage ; lay control ; the Trttce and the Peace of God ; luck of central organisation ; papal authority in law an